1-12-25 | Ensuring Ultimate Victory (Part 1 of the Christlikeness Series) | Lionheart Fellowship

Mp3 and video in the description below. Just scroll down and click on the links.


This Sunday, Mike McClung shared a message from the Christlikeness series, called “Ensuring Ultimate Victory.” According to Romans 8:28-29, Abba’s singular focus is to change us into the likeness of Jesus. This means that we have been saved and delivered out of our sin, not to live for ourselves, but to be conformed to Christ’s image. Most modern teaching puts emphasis on “who I am in Christ,” which is, of course, important. But what about “Christ in us, the hope of glory”? When Christ is formed in us, the nature of Abba is seen. And when that happens, Satan’s power is broken.

Click here to listen to the mp3.

Click here to see the teaching notes.

Click here to watch the video on Rumble.