In September 2024, Randy DeMain ministered at Lionheart for a conference simply called, “A Weekend With Randy DeMain.” The Lord had not given a specific theme for the conference so nothing would constrain the time to certain topics. In the first session, Randy ministered a message about the current nation state of Israel and the coming shifts that will expose many false doctrines regarding that land and biblical prophesy. Saturday morning, Randy ministered from Isaiah 49:24-26, where he discussed how the Lord’s plans are for the Body of Christ to take back the captives the devil has taken through deception and attack. Finally, Randy ministered from Psalm 11 on Saturday night, where he discussed how David took his stand for the Lord against both the attack of the devil and the doubt of other people. Trusting in the Lord alone to deliver him, David was able to enforce the Lord’s purposes with power and authority.
It was an awesome time! See below for how you can download the sessions or order them on USB, CD or DVD!
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Mp3 Download of Individual Sessions:
- $2 per session
Sessions on Flash Drive, Shipped (Audio Only):
- Entire Conference on a Flash Drive, shipped to you: $12
Sessions on CD:
- Entire Conference: $15
Sessions on DVD
- Entire Conference on DVDs: $20