Yesterday, the Lord spoke this into my spirit: “It’s time for ‘strategic quitting’“. What is that? What if Joshua had continued doing everything the way Moses did it in the wilderness? The Lord said to Joshua the OBVIOUS – “Moses, My servant, is dead”, as if Joshua did not know…. It was the Lord pronouncing upon the last season a finality, pronouncing upon Joshua a new reality that all, from this time forward, was going to be different. It was done; it was over! The way the Lord had dealt with things, people, etc, was over. He would manifest Himself, His purposes and His glory in a new way that no one, including Joshua, would be able to recognize and operate with, unless they made a complete break with, and leaving of the past season, mindsets and operations.

Every day we stay in the old wineskin, the old ways, or something the Lord has moved on from that is no longer working, we get better and better at something that is useless to Him, and to us now and in the future.

It’s time to come out of the old church system (Rev. 18:4) that was built upon, and magnified MAN, making MAN the center of the ministry, church life, programs, activities, ad nauseum. “Christ in you, the hope of glory” is the ONLY thing that matters now, and it is through this unveiling (2 Cor. 3) that the Spirit prepares the bridal remnant for the Lord’s return. We cannot see HIM, if the focus isn’t HIM. “Strategically quit” this system, and facade of a gospel!