When and where are your services?

After many months of uncertainty, Lionheart has a permanent facility again! We are rejoicing and thanking the Lord. You can find us at 3426 Sevierville Rd. Maryville, TN 37804.


Please join us for any of the following services:
Sunday Morning Service at 10AM — We hold our Care Group Service immediately afterward. Bring your lunch and we discuss the morning’s message together!

Tuesday Night Prayer from 6:30pm-8:00pm

Fridays: No Hub of Eight Meetings at this time, but they will return as soon as possible. See the entire Hub of Eight vision.

For more information on Lionheart, call 865-268-5159.

How should I dress?

Comfortably! Come casual or dress up. People wear anything from shorts and jeans to dresses and sport coats.

Do I need to bring anything?

No. If you want to bring a Bible, feel free to do so. We also project songs and scripture verses on an overhead screen.

What are the services like?

While services vary from week to week, each includes worship with congregational singing, announcements, special music, message, offering, and prayer. Other elements often include drama, video clips and visual art.

What is the music like?

We combine a balance of old and new in a contemporary praise setting. Led by a team of musicians, our services are a time of corporate, intimate communion with God. The worship team includes vocalists, guitars, keyboards, and drums. The team draws from various styles of music to unite us in worship, celebration, and praise.

What does the church believe?

We believe that the Bible is uniquely God-inspired and without error. We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons — the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth and voluntarily paid for our sin by dying on the cross as our substitute. He then rose again, conquering death. This allows eternal salvation for all who receive grace by trusting in Him alone.

How do I get there?

You can find us at 3426 Sevierville Rd. Maryville, TN 37804.

If you are coming from Downtown Knoxville, take Alcoa Highway/129 south to Pellissippi Parkway TN 162E/ I-140E. Follow to the end, then turn left onto TN-33. Go 0.5 miles, and then turn right onto Sam Houston School Rd. Follow for 2.7 miles, until it runs into Wildwood Rd. Turn right, then take an immediate left onto to Peppermint Rd. After about a mile, turn left onto Sevierville Rd. In less than half a mile, the church is on the right.

For more information on Lionheart Fellowship, call 865-268-5159.

Where do my kids go?

Lionheart’s approach to “children’s church” is that children should be a part of the church. So while we always make sure there is a place for nursing mothers or children needing special attention, etc., we encourage parents to keep children of any age in the room during both worship and the teaching each Sunday. We find that if given the chance, even very young children can learn to participate in worship and learn about God from the sermon.

How do I contact Lionheart?

​Lionheart’s mailing address is 3426 Sevierville Rd, Maryville, TN 37804. You can call 865-268-5159 to reach us.  Or you can click here to use our contact form.

What is the membership process?

Believers desiring membership in Lionheart Fellowship must meet the following requirements:

Must have consistently attended Sunday services, and participated in a Care Group for a period of no less than one year, and also shown open support for the vision, leadership and ministries of Lionheart Fellowship/Restoration Ministries.

Must have consistently served in one of the ministries of Lionheart Restoration Ministries in accordance with the requirement listed above.

Must have shown the “fruit of the Spirit” (Gal. 5:22) in their individual lives and families.

Must be in agreement with the By-Laws and Tenets of Faith of Lionheart Fellowship.

Must have consistently tithed their income, and have given consistent, regular financial offerings to support the ministry of Lionheart Restoration Ministries.

If coming from another fellowship in the local area, to agree to spend a reasonable period of time seeking the Lord to see if membership in Lionheart Fellowship is truly His will, and then returning to their former church and informing the leadership of their decision. The leadership of Lionheart Fellowship reserves the right to contact the leadership of the former church to see if this has been carried out.

Must have completed the process of RESTORED. (The Lionheart Prayer and Deliverance Ministry). If joining as a family, both parents and all children over the age of 18 must have completed the course. This is a fee-based ministry. If interested, please use our contact forms to let us know.

Any alterations to these requirements will be determined on a case by case basis. Final approval of membership is determined by the elders of Lionheart at the leading of the Holy Spirit.