Store and Media FAQ

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions page, specifically for Lionheart’s Online Store and Free Media Section. We hope you will find the answer to your question below. If you can’t find the answers you need here, send us your question through our contact form here, and we will answer you as quickly as possible. -Bless you!

Frequently Asked Questions About the Store and Free Media Section

1) Why won't the "Add to Cart" button respond when I click it?

Almost every item in Lionheart’s store has multiple options listed for how you can purchase the series. You can choose to purchase an entire series, or just one part, for example. You can pick and choose many different combinations from the “Audio Format” and “Message” options.

But regardless of the choice you make, you must select an option in each of the two boxes, in order to move forward. 

Even in the case of selecting “Entire Series on CD or Flashdrive” in the “Audio Format” box, you must also select “Entire Series” in the “Message” box, in order to proceed with the purchase. 

As you can see from the picture above, once an option has been selected in both the “Audio Format” and “Message” box, Add to Cart will light up and respond so you can proceed with the purchase. 

2) How long are Free Messages available to listen to?

Generally, about 3-4 weeks.

3) I don't see teaching notes listed with a certain Free Message. Are the available?

If there are no notes listed in the description of the Free Media item, we do not have them to offer for that message. Oftentimes, Mike McClung will provide handouts for his messages, but special guests do not. If you have any questions, please use our contact form to ask us by clicking here.

4) Do I need to enter my billing information to access Free Messages and Teaching Notes?

No, you do not. If you select a Free Media item, simply scroll down to the Description of the item, and you will find links to the mp3, teaching notes, and video, if they are available for that item.

On a full series that is for sale, we always list any handouts in the description. In the description of the series, there will be a list of all the parts. If you click on the blue link to any one of the parts, it should show you the notes for that message. If you would like to save these notes, without buying the series, use your browsers options to download that individual file.

If you purchase the series or the individual message, all handouts are provided.