Lionheart and Randy DeMain
Lionheart Restoration Ministries is regularly contacted by those seeking more information on Randy DeMain and his ministry, Kingdom Revelation Ministries. Randy is a good friend of Lionheart, and we have known him for a long time. But we need to make clear to everyone that though we consider Randy a close friend of our ministry, we are not now, nor have ever been, his personal ministry. Lionheart is NOT Randy DeMain’s ministry.
We have regularly hosted him at our conferences since we first connected with him in 2006, and so we have created many social media posts, emails, and other online publications advertising those conferences. Many of these are very difficult to delete, so search engines like Google and Bing continuously connect Lionheart and Randy in searches. At the same time, Randy has mostly retired from his traveling ministry and eliminated his online presence entirely. He does not have any social media account, or a website anymore. So when a search is done for “Randy DeMain” much of our promotions about him appear first, leading many to assume that Lionheart IS his ministry, and led to confusion.
We have observed Randy in public and private and consider him to be a very Christlike man. HOWEVER, we DO NOT represent Randy in ANY WAY; whether legally, administratively, financially, or in ministry.
Lionheart CANNOT and WILL NOT:
- Relay messages from you to Randy in email, phone, etc. — We cannot ask him theology questions, ask him to visit your church, etc.
- Give you his contact information. — We will not give you his phone number or email address for ANY reason.
- Give him money for you or request financial help from him for you for ANY REASON.
We hope this clears up any confusion. We will continue to host Randy at our conferences in the future because we believe he is a good man, and the Lord is using him mightily in these critical times. We hope many will be blessed by his messages.
Bless you!
The Lionheart Leadership Team