6-30-24 | Song of Solomon: Going Deeper, Part 1 | Lionheart Fellowship

Mp3 and video in the description below. Just scroll down and click on the links.


This Sunday, Mike McClung continued to teach through the Song of Solomon, in a message called “Going Deeper, Part 1”. This message further explores the process of self-displacement with the Bridal Soul. Now begins the stripping of the soul of the natural life that hinders the glory within from being released to the world. Much like Job, there is great misunderstanding, pain, and confusion during this season; all while leaders seems to pile on to the trouble, and the Lord seems absent entirely. Yet the soul and the natural life are being stripped away to the point that we love Him when there’s no reward, feeling, etc…it is only love for Him alone.

Click here to listen to the mp3.

Click here to see the teaching notes.

Click here to watch the video on Rumble.