The Shift (Teaching Series)



The Shift | A Teaching Series By Mike McClung

Now more than ever it is time to shift our thinking and our lives into what the Lord designed the Ekklesia to be. But how many actually understand the identity and purpose of the Lord’s Ekklesia? It is clear from the church’s reaction to recent world events, that number is too small. Yet, even now, if the Body of Christ will wake up and make this shift, the Lord will form this overcome and divided people into His overcoming, stronghold-shattering, pure and spotless Bride!

9 Part Series, Handouts included.

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Messages on CD:

  • Entire Series: $50
  • Individual Message: $5 each

Message on Flash Drive/ Thumb Drive

  • Entire Series on a Flash Drive/ Thumb Drive, shipped to you: $40

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Entire Series on CD, Entire Series on Flash/Thumb Drive, Individual Message on CD


Entire Series, Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04, Part 05, Part 06, Part 07, Part 08, Part 09