Cleansing the Temple – Series 1: Closing Open Doors (Teaching Series)



Many would agree with Eph 4:27, that we should “give no place to the devil,” yet many of us consider that a external work of “moral living”, not an issue of the heart. Mike McClung teaches in this series how open doors are much deeper than the daily missteps that we all struggle with. Yet the healing and freedom the Lord offers us is much deeper than we can imagine as well.

This series contains the following parts:
Part 1, Disobedience
Part 2, Unforgiveness
Part 3, Physical Or Emotional Trauma
Part 4, Inner Vows and Judgments
Part 5, Curses (Part A)
Part 6, Curses (Part B)

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Messages on CD:

  • Entire Series: $35
  • Individual Message: $5 each

Message on Flash Drive

  • Entire Series on a Flash Drive, shipped to you: $28

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Entire Series on CD, Entire Series on Flash/Thumb Drive, Individual Message on CD


Entire Series, Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04, Part 05, Part 06