Ephesians 4:13 “…till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…”
The ultimate aim and purpose of all that we say, do and build is that Jesus Christ would be seen and experienced through us, His Body on earth. By His grace, each living stone is building toward this corporate vessel of “Christ in us, the hope of glory”—the fullness of Christ expressed in His many-membered Body. If what we are building is expressing anything else, our aim is off, and it will not survive the testing of fire that is coming upon the world.
In February of 2024, Terry and Josiah Bennett ministered at Lionheart for the “Unto Full Measure Conference”. During the weekend, both Terry and Josiah shared on how the Lord is actively working to establish His headship and government within His people.
Session 1 – Terry Bennett – Friday, February 2nd at 7PM
Session 2 – Josiah Bennett – Saturday, February 3rd at 10AM
Session 3 – Terry Bennett – Saturday, February 3rd at 7PM
Session 4 – Terry Bennett – Sunday, February 4th at 10AM
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Mp3 Download of Individual Sessions:
- $3 per session
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- Entire Conference: $20
- Individual Sessions: $5 each
Sessions on Flash Drive (Audio Only):
- Entire Conference on a Flash Drive, shipped to you: $20
Sessions on DVD
- Entire Conference on DVDs: $30