What is transition anyway? It is a defined leaving of the familiar we have been in, and going through a narrow, confining passage, to an unfamiliar place. It’s a place that holds no name because it is the space between where we were and where we are going. If we observe a bundle of smashed grapes, we can no longer identify the distinct, beautiful, plump, ripe fruit. It is not what it was; it is not yet what it is to become — juice or wine. More grapes, additional ingredients and time all play an integral role in the transformation of the grapes to the desired, new state. Many of us are like these grapes; we are ripe fruit presently being squeezed through a narrow place. Just like the grapes, the Lord is changing us into who He has called us to be. Transition is what we pass through to become; it is the place of transformation.
Transition is explained in the scripture but not defined. Joshua 3:1-5 provides a clear picture of transition. As 2017 is unfolding, the Lord is strategically placing His finger on this passage to show us His work at this time. As we inch ever closer to the spiritual Jordan, our eyes and hearts must be fixed on Him if we are to reach His intended destination (our destiny, His plan for us fulfilled).
Then Joshua rose early in the morning; and they set out from Acacia Grove and came to the Jordan, he and all the children of Israel, and lodged there before they crossed over. So it was, after three days, that the officers went through the camp; and they commanded the people, saying, “When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing it, then you shall set out from your place and go after it. Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure. Do not come near it that you may know the way by which you must go, for you have not passed this way before.” And Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” (Joshua 3:1-5 NKJV)
The parallels between Joshua’s generation and the millennial generation are striking! Those preparing to cross the Jordan watched the previous generation miss the fulfillment of God’s promise due to their preference for self-gratification, grumbling and fulfillment of the flesh. Those led by Moses were unwilling to contend for their spiritual destiny. Moses, seeing the next generation standing at the threshold of destiny, became angry as he observed them about to follow in their parents’ footsteps. They had become an “entitlement” generation; they thought they deserved something. As Moses witnessed them grumbling and complaining, he was aware of what this could cost them. However, he did not react with the longsuffering that was needed to bring a demonstration of the Father’s heart to a generation whose only example was a selfish, self-centered generation that preceded them. Even with their feet ready to cross the Jordan, the parents’ old ways would have overtaken them. Joshua’s generation had to prepare for a shift, embrace change, follow and obey.
Joshua’s generation was preparing to enter the Promised Land; the millennial generation is poised to experience the glory of the Lord. Both generations require leadership and guidance to understand God’s way. We have not passed this way before. God desires to influence every sector of humanity. He desires to join the generations to influence what has been in recent years referred to by such wonderful prophetic teachers like Lance Wallnau, as the Seven Mountains of Culture. These mountains are: family, government, education, church, entertainment and the arts, media and (commerce, science and technology). The first mention that I, personally, ever heard of these was in a book titled Making Jesus Lord, by YWAM founder, Loren Cunningham. God wants a voice that accurately represents Him in these seven major spheres of influence which culturally shape our society. He’s seeking Daniels, Josephs and Davids; faith-filled, lovers of God who are walking in their dominion gifting and willing to exercise it regardless of the cost!
Daniel was only 17 years old when he was brought into Babylonian captivity. He resolved in his heart to live a consecrated life unto God (see Daniel chapter 1). Though he lived in the seat of pagan Babylonian culture, he remained separate from the influences of Babylon’s ways. He was a man God could trust, so the Lord allowed him to shoulder tremendous governmental authority. Those in the millennial generation, who are willing to remain separate unto the Lord, have a great opportunity to influence society. God will send those who are willing to have great impact on the culture into the seven mountains as they become proven vessels He trusts. First, both the heart and mind must come into alignment with God’s plans and purposes.
We cannot change the world if we are operating by worldly standards. The kingdom of God does not operate according to the standards dictated by the world system under the influence of Satan. So, how does God train leaders before He releases them to bring change to the earth? Daniel is an excellent example. Daniel’s life was founded on intimacy and intercession with God. His dominion gifting flowed out of intimacy. Through Daniel’s intimate consecration to the Lord, the gift to interpret dreams and visions manifested. He was given a gifting and solution that no one on earth could emulate. This separated Daniel from all the king’s advisors and Daniel one day “…sat in the gate of the king” (Daniel 2:48). Daniel served for 70 years in a foreign land that was hostile to God. His unwavering faithfulness to God while remaining a dutiful subject of the King provided a clear representation of the nature and character of the God he served. Daniel’s testimony made believers of several pagan kings who eventually embraced, and brought their entire nation under Daniel’s God.
Daniel’s testimony was that he had excellent spirit (Daniel 6:3). “Excellent” here is translated from the Hebrew word Yattiyr which means preeminent or “on top of the mountain.” This is a spiritual position of authority to rule and reign. Daniel’s incredible prophetic gift to see kingdoms and to interpret dreams came during his prayer time with God. Intimacy, passion for God, prayer and worship were Daniel’s foundation. For us to impact the culture like Daniel, these same qualities must be ours too!
Jesus lived His life from unbroken intimacy with Abba, and then came out of that place of intimacy and exercised God’s dominion, destroying the works of the devil. This is why we believe the prophetic promise of restoring the Tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11-14; Acts 15:15-18) is vitally important! It is a special place in a city or region where intimacy through encounter, prayer and worship is established for the entire body of Christ, and the glory of the Lord rests in the midst of His people. God created us for intimacy and from the place of intimacy we are to take dominion. (Continued next week….)