Weighed in the Balance – A Conference With Randy DeMain – March 2024


In March 2024, Randy DeMain ministered at Lionheart and shared what the Lord has told him about the state of our nation, the state of the Body of Christ, and what the Lord wants to change.


“What is the purpose of our nation? Is it to perpetuate the American Dream, marred with ambition and selfishness? Is it to have a certain ideology win out over another? No, the Lord has a purpose in mind for this land. He allowed this nation to develop and thrive as a refuge for His people to worship Him and as a light to the nations. As the Culture has taken over the Church, we have forgotten that purpose, and the consequences are obvious. Now we find ourselves at a precipice, and much like the end of Joshua’s life, the future of the Republic is weighed in the balance of what the Body of Christ chooses to do next.”

In March 2024, Randy DeMain ministered at Lionheart and shared what the Lord has told him about the state of our nation, the state of the Body of Christ, and what the Lord wants to change.


To order this conference, select from the options on the drop down menu above:

  • Mp3 Download of Individual Sessions – $3 per session
  • Sessions on CD – Entire Conference: $20/ Individual Sessions: $5 per session
  • Sessions on Flash Drive (Audio Only) – Entire Conference on a Flash Drive, shipped to you: $16
  • Sessions on DVD – Entire Conference on DVDs: $30

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Audio Format

Entire Conference on DVD, Entire Series on CD, Entire Series on Flash/Thumb Drive, Individual Message on CD, Mp3 Downloads


Entire Series, Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04