Winning the Battle (Teaching Series)



Many Christians approach spiritual warfare with misplaced passion. Oftentimes we see the evil of this age and in our immature zeal, we try to shout it down with bible verses. In reality, the Lord’s strategy to win battles, displace darkness and establish His kingdom is this: by His Spirit, assemble a body of humble, broken people into a cleansed Bride that longs for His will to be done more than her own life. If He can find that, no enemy of His is safe.

15 Part Series, Handouts included.

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  • Entire Series: $70
  • Individual Message: $5 each

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  • Entire Series on a Flash Drive, shipped to you: $56

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Entire Series on CD, Entire Series on Flash/Thumb Drive, Individual Message on CD


Entire Series, Part 01, Part 02, Part 03, Part 04, Part 05, Part 06, Part 07, Part 08, Part 09, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15