Showing all 7 results
Battle Between Zion and Babylon (Teaching Series)
Choose your side: Zion or Babylon.
Battle for the Kingdom, Series 1: Personal Preparation (Teaching Series)
We must learn to be excellent soldiers in the “good fight of faith”.
Battle for the Kingdom, Series 2: Vision and Strategy (Teaching Series)
We must understand the God we serve, and our place in His plan.
Battle for the Kingdom, Series 3: Zion, the Stronghold of the Lord (Teaching Series)
There will only be one refuge, one “Goshen”, while judgments of God are poured out.
Spiritual Warfare (Teaching Series)
Intimacy with His Father prepared the Lord to enter His Father’s purposes.
Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (Teaching Series)
Jesus is ultimately the victor, but we still have to fight!
Winning the Battle (Teaching Series)
Victory by way of humble, broken people assembled into a lovesick, overcoming Bride.